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dc.contributor.authorMulyandari, Retno Sri Hartati
dc.contributor.authorPrawiranegara, Darojat
dc.contributor.authorDarmawan, Leo
dc.description.abstractTeknologi informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) memiliki peran penting untuk mendukung petani dalam proses pengambilan keputusan usahatani. Penelitian Pengembangan Sistem Diseminasi Inovasi Pertanian Berbasis Teknologi Informasi (TI) bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran penyuluh pertanian dan kelembagaan lokal dalam pengembangan sistem diseminasi inovasi pertanian berbasis TI dan merancang strategi implementasi model pengembangan sistem diseminasi inovasi pertanian berbasis TI untuk meningkatkan keberdayaan petani sayuran. Penelitian dilakukan di Pacet, Cianjur (Jawa Barat) pada Mei - Oktober 2012. Data dihimpun melalui indepth interview, focus group discussion, pengamatan lapangan, dan analisis data sekunder. Analisis data secara deskriptif dan kualitatif terkait sistem diseminasi inovasi pertanian berbasis TI. Penyuluh berperan sebagai: sumber informasi, fasilitator, motivator, dan pendamping kelembagaan lokal dan petani dalam akses informasi dan proses uji coba teknologi baru, dan penghubung dengan stakeholder terkait. Kelembagaan lokal berperan sebagai media forum, penyaring informasi, inovator pelaksana uji coba teknologi baru, sumber informasi terdekat, valid, dan mutakhir, serta sebagai penghubung dan pengembang jaringan komunikasi dengan stakeholders terkait pemasaran hasil pertanian. Model diseminasi inovasi berbasis TI dengan memanfaatkan penyuluh dan kelembagaan lokal merupakan model ideal dengan beberapa penyempurnaan peran dari masing-masing pelaku diseminasi sesuai dengan lingkungan strategis. Strategi implementasi sistem diseminasi inovasi pertanian berbasis TI dapat dilaksanakan dengan mengoptimalkan kelembagaan formal (penyuluh) bersinergi dengan kelembagaan lokal serta didukung dengan revitalisasi kelembagaan informal di tingkat lokal.en
dc.description.abstractInformation and communication technology (ICT) has an important role to support the farmers in farm decision-making process. The objectives of the research Dissemination Agricultural Innovation System Development Based on Information Technology (IT) are to analyze the role of agricultural extension workers and to analyze the role of local institutions in the development of IT-based dissemination of agricultural innovations and to design a system implementation strategy development model of IT-based dissemination of agricultural innovations. Research was conducted in Pacet,Cianjur (West Java) in Mei - October 2012. The technique of collecting data through indepth interviews, focus group discussions, field observations and secondary data analysis. The data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively related systems IT-based dissemination of agricultural innovations. Dissemination of innovation in the development of IT-based agriculture, extension acts as: sources of information, facilitator, motivator, and a companion local institutions and farmers to access information and the process of testing new technologies, and liaison with relevant stakeholders. While institutional extension serves as a motivator to increase the capacity of extension agents in the management and use of IT-based agricultural information. Local institutional role as a media forum, information filterization, innovators implementing of the new technology trials, information sources nearby, valid, and current, as well as a developer liaison and communication networks with relevant stakeholders marketing of agricultural products. IT-based innovation dissemination models using extension workers and local institutions is an ideal model with some improvements roles of each actor dissemination in accordance with the strategic environment. Strategy implementation system of IT-based dissemination of agricultural innovations can be implemented by optimizing the formal institutions (extension) together with local institutions and supported the revitalization of informal institutions at the local level.en
dc.titleSistem diseminasi inovasi pertanian berbasis teknologi Informasi untuk meningkatkan keberdayaan petani Sayuranen
dc.title.alternativeProsiding Seminar Hasil-Hasil Penelitian IPB 2012en
dc.subject.keywordInformasi pertanianen
dc.subject.keywordteknologi informasien
dc.subject.keywordsistem informasien

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