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dc.contributor.advisorJacoeb, Agoes M
dc.contributor.authorUlma, Reza Nurul
dc.description.abstractThe red kupang (Musculista senhausia) is that many bivalves living on the East Coast Surabaya, East Java. Processing is done by boiling. The purpose of this study was to determine the yield, chemical composition, amino acids, minerals, and heavy metal residues (Pb, Hg) fresh and boiled mussel. Analysis of chemical composition include moisture content, ash, protein, and fat. Amino acid analysis by HPLC, minerals and heavy metals by AAS and phosphorus by spectrophotometer. The yield of meat and the shells of mussels decreased after boiling. The chemical composition of mussels decreased after boiling water levels fell 6.09%, 2.25% ash, 1.39% protein, 0.42% fat, and carbohydrate increased 4.07%. Analysis of amino acids produces 9 essential amino acids and 8 non-essential amino acids in fresh and boiled mussels. Amino acids decreased after boiling. Analysis of macro minerals produce minerals (Ca, Mg, K, P, and Na) and micro minerals (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Se, and Zn) and heavy metal Hg and Pb in mussels fresh and boiled. Mineral Ca, Mg, K, P, Na, Cu down, while Co, Fe, Mn and Zn ride. Heavy metals Pb decreased, Hg and Se was not detected.en
dc.titleKomposisi Kimia, Asam Amino, Mineral dan Residu Logam Berat (Hg, Pb) Kupang Merah (Musculista senhausia) Segar dan Rebusen

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