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dc.contributor.advisorAdrianto, Hari Agung
dc.contributor.authorPrianto, Ari
dc.description.abstractHotspots data warehouse in Indonesia is a system that stores the historical data of forest fires in Indonesia. This system serves to make the observation of hotspots in order to control the forest fire by the Directorate of Forest Fire Control Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia. A spatial system of on-line analytical processing (SOLAP) has been developed to help the observation of hotspots. The system is able to see the visualization and analysis SOLAP distribution of hotspots. However, these systems have drawbacks in its visualization module, Where there is an insufficient information about the circumstances surrounding the hotspots. This research tries to improve the quality of the visualization module by integrating the existing system with Google Maps. The result of this research is the spatial data warehouse system that is integrated with Google Maps as the base layer.en
dc.titlePenambahan Layer Google Maps pada Spatial Data Warehouse Titik Panas di Indonesiaen
dc.subject.keywordGoogle Mapsen
dc.subject.keywordforest firesen
dc.subject.keyworddata warehouseen

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