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dc.contributor.advisorSuhendang, Endang
dc.contributor.authorMahrunnisa, Lina
dc.description.abstractThe tree volume estimated by the tree volume estimation model in forest inventory is still deliver a general result without clarifying the tree volume specifically. Along with the needed of increasing the efficiency of forest resource management through the optimization of tree volume estimation based on the woods utilization, the use of tree’s quality inventory method becomes a necessary condition to meet those goals. This study aims to create an optimal estimation model of Shore leprosula Miq. species based on the tree quality estimates variable. The model is created through the canonical correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis based on the measurement result of 30 samples of Shore leprosula. Its resulting the optimal wood volume estimation model for plywoods, lumbers, and chipwoods raw material. The wood quality variables tested and effected significantly to the optimal woods volume is diameter at breast height, bole height, the number of healthy knots, and the number of dead knots. Thus, the increasing of the healthy and dead knots number on the wood volume estimation models that known can produce a more specific use of tree volume estimation.en
dc.titleModel Penduga Volume Sortimen Kayu Perdagangan pada Pohon Berdiri dengan Inventarisasi Kualitas. Studi Kasus Jenis Shorea leprosula Miq. di Areal IUPHHK-HA PT Sari Bumi Kusuma Kalimantan Tengahen
dc.subject.keywordShorea leprosula Miq.en
dc.subject.keywordquality inventoryen
dc.subject.keywordmultiple regressionen
dc.subject.keywordcanonical correlationen

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