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dc.contributor.advisorNandika, Dodi
dc.contributor.authorWahyuni, Novianti Sri
dc.description.abstractSubterranean termite Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) is the most important buildings destructing insects in Indonesia. Up to now, soil treatment and wood preservation are the most popular termite control techniques in urban areas. However, applications of both techniques could causing environmental pollution. Meanwhile termite baiting is known as more environmentally friendly termite control technique. One of the active ingredient used in the baiting system is hexaflumuron. A laboratory study was conducted to determine the efficacy of two formulations of hexaflumuron 0.5 % i.e blocks formulation and pellet formulation, against subterranean termite C. curvignathus based on PSIH-IPB-1998 standard methods. The results showed that both formulations of hexaflumuron 0.5 % is effective to eliminate the C. curvignathus. However, palatability of pellet formulation (49.43 %) is much higher than palatability of blocks formulation (8.52 %)en
dc.titlePengujian Laboratoris Efikasi Hexaflumuron 0.5% terhadap Rayap Tanah Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)en
dc.subject.keywordsubterranean termitesen

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