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dc.contributor.advisorTinaprilla, Netti
dc.contributor.authorWulandari, Riana Ayu
dc.description.abstractAgriculture sector in Indonesia has an important role and big contribution to Gross Domestic Product(GDP).Crop sub sector has the most important part in GDP of agricultural sector. Development of this sub sector such as sweet potatoes is one of the solutions for achieving food security and poverty alleviation in Indonesia. Sweet Potatoes has an important role in food self-sufficiency through diversification program. Indonesia is one of the top five sweet potatoes producers and exporters in the world. The aim of this study is to analyze competitiveness of Indonesian sweet potatoes. This study can be a reference for policy maker related to Indonesian competitiveness in international market. This study use Herfindahl Index and Concentration Ratio (CR) to analyze market structure. Besides that, this study used RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage) and Porter Diamond’s model to explain comparative and competitive advantages. The result of this study shows that the average of HI value in 2001 to 2010 is 1457.92. This value is between 1110.80 and 2231.99 so that can be categorized sufficiently concentrated.CR4 is analyzed for USA, China, Indonesia, and Israel. CR4 value is more than 40% (60.30%) which has similar mean to the HI value. Therefore this value supports the HI.According to RCA Index, during 2001-2010 periods Indonesia has a strong comparative advantage in sweet potatoes. This can be seen from high RCA index (more than one). Competitive advantage is used to explain Indonesian sweet potatoes problems in international market. Porter Diamond’s model is one of the methods to analyze these internal and external factors of Indonesian sweet potatoes industry. There are four internal factors; (1) Resources such as natural, human resources, financing, information and technology, and infrastructure,(2) demand,(3) related and supporting industry, (4) competitiveness, structure, and firm strategy, and two external factors; (1) government role, and (2) opportunity. The results revealed that natural resources, human resources, domestic demand, government intervention, and opportunity to export are supporting factors to increase competitive advantages. However, there are still several weaknesses such as information and technology, infrastructure, financing, related industry, tight competition and market structure.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectCompetitive advantageen
dc.subjectComparative advantageen
dc.subjectPorter Diamond’s Theoryen
dc.subjectsweet potatoesen
dc.titleAnalisis Daya Saing Ubi Jalar Indonesia di Pasar Internasionalen

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