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dc.contributor.advisorRachmina, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorNurfitriyani, Asri
dc.description.abstractMost Indonesian people consume rice as a staple food. The high rate of rice consumption is not supported by steady growth in rice production, so Indonesia has not be able to fulfill the rice needs autonomosly. Therefore, the government launched a program of certified seeds to increase rice production. Bunisari village is one of the central of new high yield rice varieties (VUB) rice producer in Warungkondang District, Cianjur Regency. This research is aimed to: (1) describe the rice farming of certified VUB and non certified VUB in Cianjur, (2) analyze the effect of using certified VUB seeds in increasing rice production and income compared to the farmers using non-certified seeds. The result is the productivity of certified seed farm is higher than non certified seed with difference 501.54 kg/ha/season. Revenue from cash costs of certified VUB seed is Rp5 026 392.61, while for non certified seed is Rp5 525 883.30. The revenue from total cost in each type of farming is Rp3 665 488.22 and Rp1 964 386.43. R/C ratio based on cash costs for certified seed is 1.69 and 1.98 for non certified seed. R/C ratio of the total cost for certified seed is 1.42 and 1.21 for non certified seed.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectnew high yield rice varietiesen
dc.subjectfarm income analysisen
dc.subjectcertified seeden
dc.titlePengaruh Penggunaan Benih Bersertifikat terhadap Produksi dan Pendapatan Usahatani Padi di Kabupaten Cianjuren

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