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dc.contributor.advisorPriadi, Trisna
dc.contributor.authorSuhardianto, Ari
dc.description.abstractThe use of woods from community forest should be supported by proper technology to produce good products quality and in accordance with their intended uses. One of the factors that influences and being a requirement in wood products is the suitable moisture content to the environmental condition that stabilize the products dimension in the use. Therefore the objectives of this study was to determine the physical properties, drying properties, as well as developing the defects control technique in the drying of rambutan (Nephelium spp), kecapi (Sandoricum koetjapi) and nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus) woods. The procedures performed in this study consisted of the physical properties testing of woods (BS: 373-1957), the test for basic drying properties based on Terazawa (1965), and drying defects control using saturated urea solution.The results showed that wood with higher density (rambutan) dried more slowly and more prone to defects compared to nangka and kecapi woods, wich had medium and low densities. Rambutan wood had a poor drying properties that was prone to surface cracking. While nangka and kecapi woods had a rather good drying properties. The soaking treatment in saturated urea solution, significantly reduced checking defect in the three tested wood species.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecturea solutionen
dc.subjectdrying defectsen
dc.titleSifat Fisis dan Pengeringan Kayu Rambutan, Nangka, dan Kecapi serta Penggunaan Larutan Urea dalam Pengendalian Cacat Pengeringannya.en

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