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dc.contributor.advisorWasis, Basuki
dc.contributor.authorIstantini, Ari
dc.description.abstractMining is one natural resources potential that can be used as a source of foreign exchange to national development. Activities in mining inflicts negative impact on the environment in form of the damaged environment, habitats animal and loss of the kinds of flora/fauna endemic. To prevent and reduce the destructive power worse, we need to sought various efforts control that leads to activity land rehabilitation one is modifying environment growing crops. One of them is giving coconut shells and bokashi on jabon to increase plant growth and productivity critical land after mine for a relatively cheap. This research used data of measurement of primary growth of jabon in the press cropping former gold mine (tailing). The method is applicable in the measurement of on the growth of high, diameter, the total weight of dry and NPA jabon on tailing with treatment granting coconut shells charcoal and bokashi in various doses for three months. Diverse analysis with the (Pr>f)<α (significant value<0.05) or influence the provision of charcoal and bokashi influential real on the growth of high In diameter, the total weight of dry and NPA of jabon on tailing, then test the continued to compare the middle value treatment. Test further used are a test duncan. Based on the results, it can be said the addition of charcoal and bokashi were able to repair the structure and texture of the medium, so it can improve the tailings deposits of nutrient elements for plants. Treatment A4B3 (granting of charcoal with a dose of 10% and bokashi with a dose of 60 grams) delivers the most flattering to increased growth of jabon on the gold mine tailings medium.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecttailing and growthen
dc.subjectAnthocephalus cadambaen
dc.titleAplikasi Arang Tempurung Kelapa dan Kotoran Sapi (Bokashi) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Jabon pada Media Tanam Tailing Tambang Emasen

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