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A Study on Coral Reefs Resources for Marine Ecotourism Development in Semau Waters, Kupang District, East Nusa Tenggara Province

dc.contributor.advisorWardiatno, Yusli
dc.contributor.advisorZamani, Neviaty Putri
dc.contributor.authorLangga, Adi Nexon Tomyan
dc.description.abstractThe waters of Semau Subdistrict have the potential of coral reef resources but not managed optimally for tourism activities because to lack of scientific information. This study aimed to: analyze the suitability, estimate the value of the visual seascape and images of biota, knowing the public perception and development patterns of coral reefs resources for the development of sustainable marine ecotourism in the waters of Semau Subdistrict. The data collection method is to use transect quadrant method for coral reefs, underwater visual census for reef fishes and interview for visual value. The conditions of social, economic, cultural and perception community knew through direct interviews with local residents. Formulas used for the management plan are suitability index tourism, scenic beauty estimation, zoning and SWOT analysis. The results show that coral reef resources in the waters of Semau Subdistrict feasible to be developed for two types of marine ecotourism. Diving tourism is located in the waters of Kambing Island and the Tanjung Uikalui, snorkeling tourism is located in Uiasa and Otan with appropriate category. Value of the visual landscape and images of biota coral reefs are high enough to be used as an object for development of marine ecotourism. Must local communities and government are very supportive to the development of the existing coral reef resources as a location for marine ecotourism. The strategy which is priority is the implementation of marine ecotourism activities, particularly diving and snorkeling tours in sustainable way and economic improvement of society through alternative livelihoods.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectmarine ecotourismen
dc.subjectcoral reefs resourcesen
dc.subjectvisual valueen
dc.subjectpublic perceptionen
dc.subjectpriority strategyen
dc.titleKajian Sumberdaya Terumbu Karang untuk Pengembangan Ekowisata Bahari di Perairan Kecamatan Semau, Kabupaten Kupang, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur.IND
dc.titleA Study on Coral Reefs Resources for Marine Ecotourism Development in Semau Waters, Kupang District, East Nusa Tenggara Provinceen

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