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Marine tourism potency analysis of the national park kepulauan seribu, DKI Jakarta Province by using recreation Opportunity Spectrum Approach.

dc.contributor.advisorArdiansyah, Muhammad
dc.contributor.advisorAdrianto, Luky
dc.contributor.authorAnggraini, Dian
dc.description.abstractTaman Nasionai Kepu1auan Seribu (TNKS) merupakan daerah konservasi yang sekaligus dimanfaatkan untuk wisata. Sebagai daerah konservasi TNKS memiliki tanggung jawab untuk menjaga keberlanjutan swnberdaya aIam. Hal ini berarti babwa TNKS hams merencanakan dan me1akukan pengelo1aan kawasan dengan benar melalui strategi dan kenmgka pengelo1aan yang menjamin dan meodukung keberlanjutan nilai-nilai sumberdaya a1am. Recreation Opporllmity Spectrum (ROS) yang digunakan dalam penelilian ini merupakan sebush kerangka pereocanaan meWui sistem zonasi pada landscape dan seascape. Tujuan dari ROS adaIab untuk mendapatkan keseimbangan aotara pemanfioatan dan konservasi. ROS memaodang empal komponen pernbentuk peluaog rekressi (recreation opportunity) adaIah aktifitas. lokasi. pengaIaman dan manfilat baik secant ekonomi maupun Iingkungan.en
dc.description.abstractThe National Park Kepulauan Seribu (INKS) is the conservation and tourism area.. Conservation area has a responsibility to manage sustainability of the natural resources. It means that TNKS have to plan and manage areas correctly. It is important, to put the strategy and management framework when tourism will be developed in the conservation area.. It will make tourism to guarantee and support sustainability of protection value. ROS is a planning framework where zoning is applied on the landscape and seascape. The ambition is to find a balance between the using and the conservation; a variety of recreation that satisfies the need for experiences and directs people to certain areas that protect nature. ROS is built of four components that make the recreation opportunity, those are recreation activities, settings, experiance and benefits. The purpose of this study are to find the potential island for the recreation activities, estimate the economic tourism value of the national park and find the recreation wne using Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) approach. Potential tourism and recreation ZODe will become base to plan the management of tourism in the park. Setting activities are built base on the biophysics factor that belongs to the island with the suitability's seascape analysis to know how the qnality of recreation object, it will be overlay with the visitor assessment on the quality of natural factor and will be overlay with the willingness to pay value to make the map of potential tourism on the islands have been zoned. Regions were classified base on the characteristics as described by a park visitor result in semi urban in the Prarnuka Island; it has potency to develop island and sea coral tourism, especially on the sonthem side of the island. Rural developed zone in the Gosong Prarnuka and Panggang has tourism potency for sea coral and fishing tourism, Karya Island that is also developed rural woe, has potency of beach tourism. Rnrai natural zone in the Kntok dan Semak Daun Island has potency for sea coral, waters and island tourism. Semi primitive zone in the Karang Congkak Island has potency for sea coral. waters and island tourism. The zones describe natural or tmnaturai, high deusity or low deusity, developed or undeveloped of the islands that can offer different experience for visitors. Next development plan of the area is conducted by arrangement strategy, physic management strategy. economy and education strategy. The arrangement strategy is conducted by limiting the number of visitors, visit time, and prohibition of taking the waters biota and fauna, etc. Physics management strategy is conducted by adding physic facilities to increase the comfort and easiness to access tourism object by taking the characteristic of the area into account. Economy strategy is conducted by insentive and disinsentive systems. Education strategy is conducted by increasing the understanding of the tourist and local island community on the function of the area and natural resources value that become tourism object.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectrecreation opportunity spectrumen
dc.subjectsetting activityen
dc.subjectwillingness to payen
dc.titleAnalisis potensi wisata bahari di kawasan taman nasional Kepulauan Seribu, Provinsi DKI Jakarta dengan pendekatan recreation opportunity Spectrumen
dc.titleMarine tourism potency analysis of the national park kepulauan seribu, DKI Jakarta Province by using recreation Opportunity Spectrum Approach.

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