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dc.contributor.advisorAswidinnoor, Hajrial
dc.contributor.authorHaq, Nasrul
dc.description.abstractRice is the main food commodities. The demand of rice increasing in line with growth of the population in Indonesia. Meanwhile, potential yield of new superior varieties (VUB) which has grown farmers have reached the optimum. Required assembling new varieties that have high yield potential and have a wide adaptability. The objective of this research were to evaluate potential yield of IPB New Plant Type of Rice (NPT) potential for hight yielding varieties in multilocation test and as part of the completeness data requirements for proposing varietie release. Research was done in Bojong Leles, Lebak, Banten from May until September 2011. The research was done using Randomized Complete Design Group (RKLT) by a single factor of genotypes or lines. Genotypes used were 10 IPB new plant type of rice promising lines there are IPB107-F-5-1-1, IPB107-F-65-3-1, IPB113-F-2-1-1, IPB115-F-3-2-1, IPB116-F-3-1-1, IPB116-F-44-1-1, IPB116-F-46-1-1, IPB117-F-1-3-1, IPB117-F-4-1-1, and IPB149-F-8-1-1 with 2 comparison variety, there are Ciherang and IR64. The research was repeated three replicates so that there are 36 units of the research. Each unit of the research were planted in a plot measuring 4 m x 5 m. Spacing used in these researchs was 2:1 legowo spacing (10 cm x 20 cm x 40 cm). The study further analyzed the F test on a real level 5%, if significantly different be followed by Dunnet t-test at 5% level. The results showed that lines tested showed an average yield lower up to the equivalent comparison varieties. Line IPB115-F-3-2-1 (6.38 tonnes / ha) is a line with the results closest comparison varieties. Some lines show a character who approached the character of NPT with important characteristics, low tillering capacity (8-13 tillers productive), large panicle and thick, number of grain filling a lot (200-250 grains/panicle), short growth duration (100-120 days), and 1000 grain weight of 26-29 g. Lines included are IPB107-F-5-1-1, IPB107-F-65-3-1, IPB116-F-44-1-1, dan IPB116-F-46-1-1. In general, some of the lines tested showed superiority on some characters, such as short growth duration, large panicle, and number of grain a lot. Research shows the percentage of grain is still high vacuum.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleKeragaan 10 Galur Harapan Padi Sawah Tipe Baru (PTB) di Kabupaten Lebak, Bantenen

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