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Analisis dan Pengembangan Strategi Kepuasan Nasabah Transaksi Forex Divisi Tresuri Bank XYZ, di Jakarta

dc.contributor.advisorSyarief, Rizal
dc.contributor.advisorPandjaitan, Nora H.
dc.contributor.authorSuherwan, Fendy
dc.description.abstractNowdays, every country has export-import activities. In export-import activities, the payment was done using one of the foreign currency that generally recognized and accepted. Bank as one of the financial institutions offers foreign currency exchange services and sees the export-import activities as a business opportunity. To increase its transaction activities, banks are trying to improve the customers services qualities. To improve their services, banks need to identify their customers characteristics, their needs and their satisfactions. The objectives of this study were to determine the characteristics of XYZ Bank customer in forex transactions, to analyze customer satisfaction levels and to make appropriate strategies to improve services. Methods to be used was descriptive qualitative method, to analyze the characteristics of customers. To analyze customers satisfaction was used customer satisfaction index (CSI) and the Cartesian diagram in importance performance analysis (IPA) method was used to determine improvement service strategy. The result showed that from 80 respondents, 46% aged between 40-50 years and 25% aged about 50 to 60 years, 48% were bachelor and mostly had business in plantation sector. Customer satisfaction levels was 71,53% based on CSI. Analysis by IPA method to the determine service improvement strategy showed That the first priority to be repair were price of buying and selling foreign exchange, regular price information and price fluctuation prediction. These three parameters were located in quadrant A Cartesian diagram. It meaned that all three parameters had a high interest but their performance remained lower than customers expectations.en
dc.description.abstractDalam era modern ini, tidak ada satu negarapun yang tidak melakukan kegiatan ekspor impor. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penduduk dilakukan pembelian dari negara lain (impor) untuk barang-barang yang tidak dapat atau tidak efisien diproduksi. Di lain pihak barang-barang produksi dalam negeri sebagian diekspor. Dalam proses ekspor/impor digunakan salah satu mata uang asing sebagai alat pembayaran yang dapat diakui dan diterima secara umum. Bank sebagai salah satu lembaga keuangan yang menawarkan jasa penukaran mata uang asing, melihat kegiatan ekspor/impor ini sebagai salah satu peluang bisnis. Dalam upaya meningkatkan kegiatan transaksinya, bank berusaha meningkatkan kualitas pelayanannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nasabah dan memberikan kepuasan kepada nasabah. Pemberian pelayanan yang maksimal guna meningkatkan kepuasan nasabah menjadi suatu keharusan jika bank tidak ingin kehilangan nasabahnya. Dalam upaya peningkatan pelayanan, bank perlu memahami karakteristik nasabahnya, mengetahui kebutuhan nasabah dan menetapkan strategi yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kepuasan
dc.subjectcustomer satisfactionen
dc.subjectforeign exchangeen
dc.titleStrategy Analysis and Development of Forex Customer Satisfaction, in the Tresury Division of XYZ Bank Jakartaen
dc.titleAnalisis dan Pengembangan Strategi Kepuasan Nasabah Transaksi Forex Divisi Tresuri Bank XYZ, di Jakartaid

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