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dc.contributor.authorIrwan, Isep
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this research are: (1) to describe the characteristic of farmer and their sheep farm; and (2) to analyze the financial feasibility of sheep farm and it's sensitivity. Cluster random sampling applied to choose 164 sample from 700 sheep farmers household population in Cibunian Village. The sheep farm were clasified into three categories based on ownership of sheep, namely scale I (0,75- 2,50 SDD or Adult Sheep Unit); scale II (2.51-4.75 SDD); and scale III (4,76-8,50 SDD). The result of this research showed chat generall (52,44%) farmer in Cibunian village comitted their sheep farm on scale I. Farmer of each scale in avarage were categorized into productive aged, have lots of experience on shap farm activities, but they have low education. The result of financial feasibility analysis showed that for 10 years at the interest rate of 9,50%, Net Resent Value (NPV)of sheep farm on scales I, II and III respectively is Rp (3.537.029,00); Rp (1.413.826,00); and Rp 1.770.5 19,00, with the values of Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) are 0.67; 0,89; and 1 ,I 0. Internal Rate of R e m (IRR) on scale I1 and 111 respectively is 057 and 16,56%. Sensitivity analysis was counted on scale Ill. Sheep farm on scale 1II was not feasible if farm costs increased more than 9,97% or farm revenues decreased more than 9.06% ceteris paribus.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAnalisis kelayakan usaha ternak domba rakyat di Desa Cibunian Kecamatan Pamijahan Kabupaten Bogoren

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