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dc.contributor.authorMayasari, Intan
dc.description.abstractThe iles-iles (amorphophallus mulleri Blume) plant is one of the tuber species of the taro family (Araceae) which grows wildly in nature At present, iles-iles has been widely used bay the society either as fod plant or medicine plant. However, the exploitation by society still depends on the iles-iles existence in nature,. It is worried the exploitation activity which is not supported by cultivation development., will result in the decline of the iles-iles population in nature, beside that the growth of iles-iles is slow which takes 2.5-3 years. One way of multiplicating plant is by tissue cilture technique. Tissue cilture technique is expected to be one way of iles-iles plant preservation development in Indonesia. The object of this research is to know the effectiveness rate of iles-iles in-vitro culture multiplication which is added with growth controller substances NAA and BAP, and to analyze the effect of addition to the physical growth and callus process so it will result optomal yielden
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectAmorphophallus mullerien
dc.subjecttissue cultureen
dc.titlePerbanyakan Iles-Iles (Amorphophallus mulleri Blume) Secara Kultur In-Vitro Dengan Pemberian Zat Pengatur Tumbuh NAA (Naphtalene Acetic Acid) dan BAP (6-Benzylaminopurin)en

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