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dc.contributor.authorGunawan, Wendi
dc.description.abstractHigh rainfall and slope steepness may decline land productivity due to surface runoff. That case is caused by part 'of soil surface which fertile has lost by surface runoff. Various conservation technique to control surface runoff and erotion has been developed, one of them is ridge terrace Ridge terrace can save surface runoff sediment that can be returned to the crop bed in the end of planting season. To increase effectivity of sediment entrapment. Ridge terrace could be modified by adding infiltration hole and vertical mulch. The aim of this research is to estimate the effect of infiltration hole, vertical mulch and slope length of ridge terrace on soil physical characteristic, sediment and nutrients entrapment, and groundnut production Results of the experiment generally showed that shorten slope length, vertical mulch and infiltratation hole added tend to decrease bulk density and increase soil permeability. Crop bed with 2 m slope length has lower bulk density and higher soil permeability compared to crop bed with 4 m and 6 m slope length. The experiment also showed that shorten slope length, vertical mulch and infiltratation hole on ridge terrace significantly increased sediment and nutrient entrapment. Treatment with shortest slope length combined with vertical mulch and infiltration hole saved the highest sedimen and nutirent (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, COrg). The total sediment is 44.2 tonlha Shorten slope length also increased weight of groundnut pods and biomass production. Treatment with 2 m slope length yielded higher weight of groundnut pods and biomass compared to 4 m and 6 m slope length. Treatment with shortest slope length (2 m) combined with vertical mulch and infiltration hole yielded highest weight of groundnut pods and biomass, that was 3.16 ton/ha and 6.69 ton/ha respectively.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengaruh Panjang Lereng, Penambahan Mulsa Vertikal, Dan Lubang Resapan Pada Guludan Bersaluran Terhadap Sifat Fisik Tanah, Jumlah Sedimen Dan Unsur Hara Terselamatkan, Serta Produksi Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaen L.) Varietas Gajahen

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