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dc.contributor.authorPrabowo, Handoko Agung
dc.description.abstractProspects of cultivation medicinal plants showed positive trends. It is characterized by high demand for medicinal plants both domestic and international, while the supply of medicinal plants is still low. According to Agricultural Research and Development (2007), 85% of raw material supply to 1.023 medicine industries derived from exploitation the forest and without any cultivation. In the future, cultivation is important step to prevent the extinction of some medicinal plants. One type of medicinal plants to cultivated is lempuyang wangi (Zingiber aromaticum Val). Lempuyang wangi with good quality can be found at Ngliron, Blora. At place, it can to increase income of Ngliron’s society beside agricultural activities. During this time, Ngliron’s society take lempuyang wangi from the forest and without leaving of rhizome. As a result, the next year decreased in the total of harvested lempuyang wangi. To start activity of cultivation, require to be a feasibility study. The feasibility study which examined in this research aims to analyze prospects and feasibility level of cultivation lempuyang wangi in Ngliron. Scope of this research includes aspects of market research, technical and technological, management and organization, financial, and business impact. Based on market analysis, the price of dry lempuyang wangi at the first years is Rp 9.000/kg and will be increasing 5% each years. Based on technical and technological analysis, cultivation areas located in the forest around the village Ngliron the governance area BKPH Ngliron KPH Randublatung. Cultivation area of 6 ha produce 9,2 tons/year of dry lempuyang wangi. Based on management and organization analysis, this cultivation managed by 52 people who joined in the Forest Village Community Institution of Ngliron Village. Based on the environmental aspects, lempuyang wangi cultivation is worth running. Based on financial analysis, the total investment cost reaches is Rp 28.200.000,00, it derived from Perhutani’s sharing funds to LMDH of Ngliron Village. The analysis shows the value is NPV : Rp 4.725.383,00, IRR : 16,15%, BCR : 1,17, and PBP : during 6,05 years. Based on the sensitivity analysis, cultivation is sensitive to changes in sharing with farmers increase to 78% and a decrease in production volumes by 5% each year. Analysis of the eligibility criteria indicated Ngliron cultivation in the Village is worth running.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleStudi kelayakan usaha budidaya dan prospek pasar Lempuyang Wangi (Zingiber aromaticum Val) oleh Lembaga Masyarakat Desa Hutan Desa Ngliron di BKPH Ngliron KPH Randublatungen

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