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dc.contributor.authorSisouvanh, Phimmasone
dc.description.abstractProductivity of Oxisols could be improved by addition of organic and inorganic fertilizer. Recently, the use of organic fertilizer is increasing for long term friendly fertility management. The objectives of this research were to determine the appropriate combination of inorganic and organic fertilizer application on tomato yield and to increase nutrient utilization efficiency in the soil, and to determine the effect of combination of inorganic with organic fertilizers on soil chemical properties. The experiment was conducted at Bogor Agricultural University from November, 2009 to July, 2010. The treatments were designed using Factorial experiment in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The treatment consisted of two factors which were rates of inorganic fertilizer [(0-0-0), (2.53 urea- 1.68 SP- 3 KCl), (4.68 urea- 3.12 SP- 6.52 KCl) and (7.2 urea- 4.8 SP- 10 KCl) (g/pot)], and organic fertilizer [0, 200, and 400 (g/pot), (Compost of cow dung, husk and straw in the ratio 1:1:2 by volume) or (Compost of cow dung, husk and peat in the ratio 1:1:2 by volume)]. Replication was treated as block. Data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel, ANOVA using the General Linear Model (GLM) option of Minitab software. The result of the research indicated that combined use of inorganic and organic fertilizers had positive effects on tomato yield and plant nutrient efficiency. The best combination of inorganic fertilizer occurred at lowest doses with organic fertilizer at 200 or 400 g/pot. Combination of inorganic fertilizer at (2.53 urea- 1.68 SP- 3 KCl, g/pot) with straw or peat compost at 400 g/pot resulted in the highest tomato yield than other combinations. Combination of inorganic fertilizer at (2.53 urea - 1.68 SP - 3 KCl, g/pot) with straw compost at 400 g/pot or peat compost at 200 and 400 g/pot resulted in the highest nutrient efficiency. Soil chemical characteristic after harvesting in both organic and inorganic fertilizer treatments had a sound of soil fertility than the soil before planting or fertilizing and increased the use of fertilizers also increased on the soil fertility.en
dc.description.abstractProduktivitas tanah Oxisols dapat ditingkatkan dengan penambahan pupuk organik dan anorganik. Belakangan ini, penggunaan pupuk organik semakin meningkat, didukung dengan sistem manajemen pemupukan yang ramah lingkungan untuk jangka panjang. Tujuan penelitian ini menitikberatkan pada penentuan kombinasi yang sesuai dalam menggunakan pupuk anorganik dan organik pada hasil panen tomat serta peningkatan efisiensi penyerapan dan pemanfaaan nutrisi dari dalam tanah, dan menentukan efek kombinasi pupuk anorganik dan organik terhadap sifata kimia tanah . Penelitian ini dilakukan di Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) dimulai pada bulan November 2009 sampai Juli 2010. Perlakuan yang diberikan didesain menggunakan rancangan Faktorial dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap dengan tiga kali
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectInorganic fertilizeren
dc.subjectOrganic fertilizeren
dc.subjectOxisolsSoil fertilityen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleCombined use of inorganic and organic fertilizers for tomato yield and fertility of oxisolsen

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