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dc.contributor.authorSuwarno, Willy B.
dc.contributor.authorGunawan, Endang
dc.description.abstractMelon (Cucumis melo L.) is one of the h i t s that have a comparative advantage of the short life and high economic value. Availability of melon is very related close to the availability of seeds. Most of the seeds planted by farmers melons is imported with the very high price. Center for Tropical Fruit Studies (PKBT) LPPM IPB has conducted a series of melon plant breeding activities to the superior hybrid varieties formation and has assembled more than 20 hybrids in 2008. Sunrise Meta and Orange Meta, the two hybrid elected, has been through the adaptation test in rainy season at 200812009. Melon 'Sunrise Meta' is directed for special market of smooth skin melon which have the superior characters : 1) clean white skin, 2) orange fruit flesh, 3) sweet taste (PTT: 14.8 "Brix), 4) slightly crunchy texture, 5 ) the h i t weight is not different with the comparator varieties, 6) have not poorly afler-taste after consumed. While Melon 'Orange Meta' has the advantages: 1) pull the yellow h i t skin, 2) orange fruit flesh 3) sweet taste (PTT: 14.8 "Brix), 4) crunchy texture, 4) the h i t weight is not different with the comparator varieties and 5) have not poorly after-taste after consumed. Both candidates have an opportunity to produce better at the dry season which is the optimum period planting for melons. Consumer preference test results showed that Sunrise Meta and Orange Meta are prefer than the comparator varieties. In 2009 has prepared candidate superior variety to anticipate consumer tastes changing. This research was conducted to find F-1 hybrid melon that need to be developed in the future. Sunrise Meta and Orange Meta are recommended to released as commercial varieties. Supported by a certificate of registration of Plant Breeding Variety Results 207/PVHP/2009.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectMelon, hybrid varieties, multilocation testen
dc.titleUji Multilokasi Melon Hibrida Potensial Dan Perakitan Varietas Melon Hibrida Unggul (Multilocation Test of Potential Hybrid Melon and Assembly of Superior Hybrid Melon Variety)en

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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