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Policy analysis on capture fisheries management, case of northern coast of Central Java

dc.description.abstractPursuant to the policy study and analysis of Hogwood and Gunn (1984) to all policies on Capture Fisheries Resource Management or Perikanan Tangkap (PT), showed that during centralistic and decentralist period from 30 management aspects there are 27 aspects which have been arranged and three aspects which not yet been arranged. While entering decentralist period, there are 16 aspects of national law product arranging, but only five aspects which was consistently arranged starts from international to regional product. Hereinafter from entire aspects were explored and relevant to the management of PT, there is one aspect which is not explicitly set by the international law but there are in national law product, which is development of fishery infrastructure. On the contrary there are four aspects which explicitly set by international policy but not been arranged yet by national policy. Seen from entire aspect set by international , regional and national policy, in fact there is no aspect has been arranged yet Lkough Perda Kabupaten I Kota. Based on content analysis it is found that fisheries management is tend to apply rational paradigm. The result of estimation based on Scheafer (1954), both in Kota Tegal and Kabupaten Pekalongan indicated that capture business activity of demersal fish by using Arad fishing gear is not profit able anymore due to overfishing. This indicate that the management of PT during the time was not effective in supporting the sustainable of management of PT, and also can trigger conflict (internal allocation). The alternatives decentralized strategic planning analyzed by A'WOT, indicate that decentralized PT management policy (P2T2) should be given as the fisrt priority. Based on the findings that people participation and public service are tend to improve in the period of decentralistic, co-management can be considered as an approach through "consultative" lader (Pomeroy, 1997). Role of District1 Municipal office of Marine Affairs and Fisheries is still expected to gathering and provide information concerning the resource, exercing the management planning and policy and initiate concepts for local PT management for the arad fisheries. In addition, the Office is also expected to balance the conservations, social and rational paradigm and various steps including conflict resolution process. PT management policy in the future legalized by Perda has to be executed by local government through implementation policy. The technical policy (central and regional government) should be consistent with the umbrella policy. Local government shall lessen the exploitation oriented policy and strengthen the policy which orienting to social and conservation, through Perda. The central government should be more focused on the umbrella of policy rather than technical
dc.description.abstractPendekatan poliy study an analysis dari Hogwood and Gunn (1984) terhadap kebijakan pengelolaan Perikanan Tangkap (PT) lingkup internasional, nasional dan daerah menunjukan bahwa pada periode sentralistik dan desentralistik terdapat 27 aspek dari 30 aspek pengelolaan yang telah diatur. Memasuki periode desentralistik, terdapat lima dari 16 aspek yang secara kkonsisten diatur mulai dari produk hokum internasional sampai daerah. Selanjutnya dari seluruh aspek yang berhasil dieksplorasi dan yang relevan dengan pengelolaan PT, terdapat satu aspek yang belum secara eksplisit diatur oleh hokum internasional namun terdapat dalam hokum nasional, yaitu pembangunan prasarana perikanan. Dilihat dari seluruh aspek yang diatur oleh hokum internasional, nasional dan daerah, ditemukan bahwa belum terdapat satu aspek pun yang telah diatur melalui Perda Kabupaten/Kota.
dc.description.abstractPursuant to the policy study and analysis of Hogwood and Gunn (1984) to all policies on Capture Fisheries Resources Management or Perikanan Tangkap (PT), showed that during centralistic and desentralistist period from 30 management aspects there are 27 aspects which have been arranged and three aspects which not yet been arranged. While entering decentralist period, there are 16 aspects of national law product arranging, but only five aspects which was consistently arranged starts from international to regional product.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAnalisis kebijakan pengelolaan perikanan tangkap: kasus di pantai utara Jawa Tengahid
dc.titlePolicy analysis on capture fisheries management, case of northern coast of Central Javaen

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