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dc.contributor.advisorSantosa, Dwi Andreas
dc.contributor.advisorLay, Bibiana W.
dc.contributor.advisorFauzi, Anas Miftah
dc.contributor.authorSastrawidana, I Dewa Ketut
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research is to assess the wastewater treatment using bacteria that were adapted to the textile wastewater environment. Bacteria were isolated from the sludge of textile waste water treatment plants of CV Mama & Leon in Tabanan Regency and Badung River, Denpasar Bali. Phases of this research were begun by cultivating the bacteria in liquid media in anaerobic and aerobic condition. Afterwards, bacteria were selected through some phases by re-cultivating them in liquid media containing textile dye at higher concentration. Those selected bacteria were then identified and its efficiency was examined towards textile dye at various pH conditions, glucose concentration, dye concentration and retention time. The dye implemented in this test consisted of yellow remazol, red remazol, black remazol, blue remazol and mixture of the four dyes. Potential bacteria obtained were used in the treatment of artificial textile wastewater using anaerobic-aerobic system. In this wastewater treatment suspended-growth and attached-growth were applied within anaerobic-aerobic reactor. The treatment system by attached growth process used volcanic stone as media for attachment of the bacteria. The best wastewater treatment obtained will later on be applied for processing the textile sludge taken from textile dying industry. A number of 27 selected bacteria were obtained from the mud waste of CV Mama & Leon consisting of Aeromonas sp., Pseudomonas sp., Flavobacterium sp., Plesiomonas sp. and Vibrio sp. Meanwhile, 5 other selected bacteria taken from the mud of Badung River were Vibrio sp and Plesiomonas sp. Textile wastewater treatment in anaerobic-aerobic reactor used bacteria consortia comprising Aeromonas sp. ML6, Aeromonas sp ML14, Pseudomonas sp. ML8 and Flavobacterium sp. ML20 in the anaerobic phase and bacteria consortia consisting of Plesiomonassp.SB1, Plesiomonassp.SB2, Vibrio sp.SB1, Vibrio sp.SB2 and Vibrio sp.SB3 in aerobic phase with 3-day retention time. Each reactor could produce wastewater below the standard required by the Ministerial Decree of Environmental Affairs No. 51/MENLH/10/1995. This technology produced efficiency of dye degradation, TDS, TSS, COD and BOD respectively of 95.72%, 80.87%, 87.50%, 98.38% and 93.90%. Result of textile wastewater treatment in anaerobic phase had higher toxicity level than the one before being processed. However, its toxicity was sharply reduced after passing through aerobic treatment
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleIsolasi bakteri dari lumpur limbah tekstil dan aplikasinya untuk pengolahan limbah tekstil menggunakan sistem kombinasi Anaerob-Aerobid
dc.title.alternativeIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id, A.Md 2012-10-5 Edit : Pembimbing, Keyword
dc.subject.keywordSuspended-growth treatment processes
dc.subject.keywordAttached-growth treatment processes
dc.subject.keywordZat warna tekstil

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