Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Campuran Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Sengon dan Tongkol Jagung sebagai Media untuk Budi Daya Jamur Tiram Putih 

      Kartika, Lily | Pudyastuti, Yustina M.P.D. | Gunawan, Agustin Wydia (1995)
      In addition to corn cobs, sawdust is the most common cultivation medium for wbite oyster mushrooms (Heurdus mtmdus aacq. ex Fr.) Kummer). Mixtures of compost made from sengon (J'amseria~hcsf alcnlaria Q Fosb.) wood sawdusts ...
    • Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula pada Bambu di Kebun Raya Bogor 

      Setya, Ardiana Prima | Gunawan, Agustin Wydia | Kramadibrata, Kartini (1995)
      rbhospbecea of tweaty b b e o 6peek caltivated in Bqpr Botuir Gudcns were found r gcem of arbuscahr myoorrbizal (AM) fungi (condPtad of @uc spaeks of Acdtaqmq oae species of Gigaspom, thee speck d G b ,an d two species of ...
    • Pertumbuhan Panus sp. pada Media Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit 

      Manuella, Monika | Gunawan, Agustin Wydia (1997)
      Empty fruit bunch of oil palm waste was used as medium for Paus sp. cultivation. Two methods of medium sterilization were carried out, ie. autoclaving and radiation, The growth of mushrooms on autociaved medium was better ...