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dc.contributor.authorDjajakirana, G.
dc.contributor.authorSihombing, D.T.H.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research is to study suitable the management technology of £./odida earthworm for optimal productivity. This study was conducted in Mataram from September 1999 to June 2000 and devided into three experiments. The first one was studied 24 different formula of media which contained different kind and propotion animal waste, market waste, household waste and rice straw. A nest box contaning 2.5 kg of each media was used to raise 2S g earthworm for 40 days. For replication. three nest boxes were used to evaluate all 24 different media. Number of cocoon, biomassa and eksmecat were measured as production parameters. Data observed was statistically analyzed using a completely ramdomized design. The second experiment was studied fermentation process. Three main factors used for this study were level of limes, agitation frequency and fermentation time. With three replications, parameter (number of cocoon. biomas .. and eksmecat ) recorded were used for ststistical analysis using a factorial design of 3x2x3. The third experiment was studied three main factors were kind of nest box, spreading density and level of rack. With three replications, parameters (number of cocoon. biomassa and eksmecat ) recorded were used for ststistical analysis using a factorial design of 3x3x3. Result of research shows that the use mixture of horse manure and rice straw (50:50) and mixture of goat manure and rumen content of cattle (SO-.50) was most suitable for media and feed of E./oetida respectively. To give highest productivity, media or feed should be fermented for 3 weeks dan was agitated 2 times a week and added 3 g limel/kg. E./oetidiJ generated better cocoon, biomalla and eksmecat production if they raised in palstic box with spreading density of 2S g earthworm/box in three stored rack system. It could provide net income Rp. 27.348.640,- per year in the 100 m2 land business Kale. aased on this study £./oetidil earthworm will become prospective commodity for agribusiness in limited area for economical development in Indonuia. Key words: earth worms, management, productivity, casting qualityid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKajian Perbaikan Teknologi Budidaya Cacing Tanah Eisenia Foetida Savigny untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Biomassa dan Kualitas Eksmecat Dengan Memanfaatkan Limbah Organik Sebagai Mediaid

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