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Srategy to increase the competitiveness of Indonesian pulp industry

dc.contributor.authorRosadi, Asep Husni Yasin
dc.description.abstractSupported by a huge amount of raw materials, Indonesian pulp industry gives significant contribution to Indonesian economy and has a good prospect in the future. Nevertheless, the industry competitiveness still has many problems. Its competitiveness is still far below the other main pulp producers (Canada, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Brazil and Chile) especially for critical factors, such as using sources of raw material, optimizing capability in the production factors and managing pollutant impact to the environment.en
dc.description.abstractIndustri pulp merupakan industri yang prospektif di masa mendatang serta memberikan sumbangan yang cukup signifikan terhadap perekonomian Indonesia. Hal tersebut diantaranya karena di dukung oleh sumber bahan baku kayu kayu yang potensial. Meskipun demikian, industri pulp Indonesia masih menghadapi masalah daya saing. Kemampuan daya saing industri pulp Indonesia relatif belum teruji dibandingkan dengan industri pulp negara-negara penghasil pulp utama lainnya, seperti Kanada, Finlandia, Swedia, Rusia, Brazil dan Chili, terutama dalam hal pemanfaatan bahan baku, penggunaan faktor produksi dan pengelolaan dampak limbah yang dihasilkannya terhadap
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleStrategi peningkatan daya saing industri pulp Indonesiaid
dc.titleSrategy to increase the competitiveness of Indonesian pulp industryen

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