Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Aplikasi Transfer Gen Dalam Akuakultur Aplication of Gene Transfer in Aquaculture 

      Alimuddin | G. Yoshizaki | O. Carman | K. Sumantadinata (2003)
      Recently, global food security has become a hot issue by the public in national as well as out of the country. Aquacultural output will need to be increased several fold in order to meet the rising demands for fish in ...
    • Fenotipe keturunan pertama ikan koi hasil hibridisasi 

      K. Sumantadinata | Y. Hadiroseyani (2002)
      This experiment was conducted to study phenotype of F1 koi that were obtained from hybridization. Females koi that was used for this experiment were white-red koi, red-black koi, and white-black koi: whereas males used ...
    • Seks reversal pada ikan tetra kongo stadia larva 

      H. Arfah | Alimuddin | K. Sumantadinata | J. Ekasari (2002)
      Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman larva di dalam larutan hormon 17α-metil testosteron pada dosis 1. 2 dan 4 mg/l larutan. Persentase tertinggi ikan jantan dihasilkan oleh perlakuan 4 mg/l, yaitu ...