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dc.contributor.authorPutri, Indah Riadi
dc.description.abstractSilvicultural system of Intensive Indonesian Selective Cutting and Planting (TPTI) comprises the techniques of regeneration, tending and harvesting of a stand or forest for producing certain products, and is designed to create sustainable management of natural production forest. In relation with that, there is a need for research on the effect of light intensity on the growth of Shorea parvifolia and Shorea leprosula species (meranti), to obtain information on light intensity where the growth of meranti is maximum. Such information could be used as the basis of consideration in the action of environmental manipulation on intensity of lights which enter the forest floor, to increase the growth of the two species of tree for achieving high productivity. The research was conducted in operational planting strip in block of PUP (Permanent Measurement Plot) of RKT (Annual Working Plan) 2005 and 2006, with 4 plots, and in each plot there were 3 planting strips comprising 120 strip plants. Plot size was 100 m X 100 m. The collected primary data were among other things total height of plants, plant diameter, wet bulb and dry bulb air temperature, humidity, light intensity in the planting strip and health condition of the trees. The collected secondary data were among other things site map, general condition of the research site (which comprised site geographic position, climate, rainfall, soil type, topography), and data of the tree diameter and height of the previous years. Diameter growth of Shorea parvifolia in plot which was rather steep of strip 2 possesed the greatest increment (1.59 cm / year) which differed significantly at 5 % level, and was affected by sunlight intensity as much as 6.85 %. On the other hand, diameter growth in level plot of strip 2 possessed the largest increment of 2.91 cm / year which differed significantly at 5 % level and was affected by sunlight intensity of 16.6 %. It could be shown that the diameter growth of Shorea leprosula was greater than that of Shorea parvifolia. The largest increment of diameter and height of S. parvifolia were respectively 1.59 cm / year and 140.88 cm / year. The largest increment of diameter and height of S. parvifolia were respectively 1.50 cm /year and 247.05 cm / year. The largest increment of diameter and height of S. leprosula were respectively 2.91 cm /year and 217.58 cm / year. The largest increment of diameter and height of S. leprosula were respectively 2.95 cm /year and 289.35 cm / year. During observation of S. parvifolia and S. leprosula growth, there were diameter increments as affected by IC sunlight exposure as large as 1.59 cm / year with IC exposure of 397.07 foot candle; and 2.91 cm / year with IC exposure 278.2 foot
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectsystem of intensive Indonesian Selective cutting and plantingid
dc.subjectlight intensityid
dc.subjectS. leprosulaid
dc.subjectS. parvifoliaid
dc.titlePengaruh Intensitas Cahaya Matahari Terhadap Pertumbuhan Jenis Shorea parvifolia dan Shorea leprosula dalam Sistem TPTI Intensif (Studi Kasus di Areal IUPHHK-HA PT. Sarpatim, Kalimantan Tengah)id

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