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dc.contributor.authorSinatrya, Muqitta
dc.description.abstractHoney is produced by honeybees and containing sugar more than 70%. The addition of honey in a transparent soap is expected to increase the clarity of transparent soap. The research was conducted to compare the organoleptic characteristic between transparent soap with addition of 7,5% honey (M2bee) in according with Qisti (2008) and Jannah (2008), and commercial transparent honey soap (Madoe). Hedonic, paired preference and descriptive tests used to analyzed the soap organoleptic characteristics. The data were analyzed with non parametric methods Kruskal-Wallis. The results showed that preference panels on the shape, color, clarity, moisture and softness as well as the whole performance’s “M2bee” were not significantly different to “Madoe”. The panelist could accept the shape, color, clarity, moisture effect and the whole performance of “M2bee”, but could not accept the odor, the bubbles, the freshess, and softness of “M2bee”. The panelist preferred the odor and clarity of “Madoe” to “M2bee”. “M2bee’s” odor were dominated by stearic acid and coconut oil. No growth of microorganisms found in the transparent soap with or without addition of 7,5% honey after 45 days storage. Keywords: transparent soap, honey, organolepticid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleSifat Organoleptik Sabun Transparan dengan Penambahan Maduid

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