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dc.contributor.advisorChikmawati, Tatik
dc.contributor.advisorDjuita, Nina Ratna
dc.contributor.authorAfriani, Rizkia
dc.description.abstractHutan kerangas merupakan hutan dengan vegetasi yang tumbuh pada tanah kaya pasir kuarsa, miskin hara, dan memiliki pH rendah. Hutan kerangas mendominasi sebagian ekosistem hutan di Belitung. Jenis vegetasi yang dapat tumbuh di hutan kerangas salah satunya tumbuhan paku. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkarakterisasi struktur reproduksi tumbuhan paku yang tumbuh di hutan kerangas Gunung Agung dan Tebat Rasau Ibu, Belitung. Struktur reproduksi diamati dari daun fertil tumbuhan paku dengan menggunakan mikroskop stereo dan mikroskop majemuk yang dihubungkan dengan kamera optilab. Data disajikan dalam bentuk gambar, tabel dan kunci identifikasi, kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Tumbuhan paku yang diamati bervariasi pada susunan dan letak sporangia yaitu sporangia dalam strobilus, segmen seperti jari di tepi daun, sorophore, dan sorus. Sorus berbentuk garis, bulat, dan tabung. Sebagian besar sorus terletak pada tepi daun dan di sekitar tulang daun lateral. Spora dari 12 jenis tumbuhan paku memiliki bentuk dasar elips dengan laesura garis, satu jenis bentuk bulat dan tujuh jenis berbentuk tetrahedral-globose dengan laesura triradiate. Ukuran spora yang dijumpai yaitu medium, besar, dan gigantik. Semua spora memiliki nilai rasio P/E <1,00 dengan tipe oblate, suboblate, dan peroblate. Permukaan perispora sangat beragam yaitu echinulate, cristate, plain/laevate, papillate, echinate, alate, reticulate, verrucate, granulate, globules, tuberculate, dan
dc.description.abstractThe heath forest is a forest with vegetation that grows on soils rich in quartz sand, deficient in nutrients, and have a low pH. The heath forest dominates some of the forest ecosystems in Belitung. One of the types of vegetation that can grow in the heath forest is pteridophytes. This study aimed to characterize the reproductive structure of pteridophytes growing in the heath forests of Mount Agung and Tebat Rasau Ibu, Belitung. Reproductive structures were observed from the fertile leaves of pteridophytes using a stereo microscope and a compound microscope connected to an optilab camera. The data obtained are presented in the form of figures, tables, and identification keys, then analyzed descriptively. The pteridophytes observed varied in the arrangement and location of the sporangia, namely sporangia in the strobilus, finger-like segments on the leaf margins, sorophore, and sorus. Sori are lines, round or tubular in shape. Most sori are located on the leaf margins and around the lateral veins. Spore of 12 species have an ellipsoid spore with linear aperture, one species has a spheroidal spore, and seven species have tetrahedral-globose spore with triradiate aperture. The size of the spores found is medium, large, and gigantic sizes. All spores had P/E ratio values <1,00, with oblate, suboblate, and peroblate spore types. The perispore surface is very diverse: echinulate, cristate, plain/laevate, papillate, echinate, alate, reticulate, verrucate, granulate, globules, tuberculate, and
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKarakterisasi Struktur Reproduksi Tumbuhan Paku di Hutan Kerangas Gunung Agung dan Tebat Rasau Ibu, Belitungid
dc.title.alternativeCharacterization of The Reproductive Structure of Fern in Heath Forest of Mount Agung and Tebat Rasau Ibu, Belitungid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordheath forestid
dc.subject.keywordperispore surfaceid
dc.subject.keywordspore morphologyid

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