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dc.contributor.advisorAzijah, Zulva
dc.contributor.authorNussy, Violeta Jayusa Malona
dc.description.abstractSektor agroindustri merupakan leading sector yang berperan dalam menciptakan nilai tambah pertanian dan menghasilkan devisa melalui ekspornya. Tahun 2020 kinerja ekspor agroindustri mengalami pertumbuhan negatif akibat Covid-19 yang memengaruhi perekonomian Indonesia maupun global. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis peranan sektor agroindustri bagi sektor perekonomian melalui dampak penyebaran dan efek multiplier serta mengkaji kinerja ekspor agroindustri Indonesia di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari Tabel Input-Output Indonesia tahun 2016 dan perubahan ekspor masing-masing subsektor agroindustri tahun 2020. Hasil analisis menunjukkan subsektor industri karet dan barangnya memiliki koefisien penyebaran yang tertinggi, sementara nilai kepekaan penyebaran tertinggi diperoleh industri kimia dan barangnya. Nilai multiplier output tertinggi dihasilkan subsektor industri karet dan barangnya. Nilai multiplier pendapatan dan tenaga kerja didominasi oleh subsektor industri makanan. Kinerja ekspor sektor agroindustri terhadap output, pendapatan, dan tenaga kerja berdampak paling besar bagi padi, kelapa sawit, peternakan, dan industri makanan di masa pandemi
dc.description.abstractThe agro-industrial sector is a leading sector that plays a role in creating added value for agriculture and generating foreign exchange through its exports. In 2020, the export performance of agro-industry experienced negative growth due to Covid-19 which affected the Indonesian and global economy. This study aims to analyze the role of the agro-industrial sector for the economic sector through the impact of the spread and the multiplier effect and examine the export performance of Indonesian agroindustry during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses secondary data from the Indonesian Input-Output Table in 2016 and changes in exports of each agro-industry sub-sector in 2020. The results of the analysis show that the rubber and goods industry sub-sector has the highest distribution coefficient, while the highest dispersion sensitivity value is obtained by the chemical industry and its goods. The highest output multiplier is produced by the rubber and goods industry subsector. The value of the income and labor multiplier is dominated by the food industry sub-sector. The export performance of the agro-industry sector on output, income and labor has the biggest impact on rice, palm oil, livestock, and the food industry during the Covid-19
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleCovid-19 dan Kinerja Ekspor Sektor Agroindustri Indonesiaid
dc.title.alternativeCovid-19 and Export Performance of the Indonesia Agroindusty Sectorid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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