Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Biosistematika Mangga Di Indonesia 

      Fitmawati | Hartana, Alex | Rifai, Mien A. | Purwoko, Bambang S. (2008)
      Kajian Biosistematika mangga Indonesia meliputi tinjauan status dan kedudukan taksonomi Mangifera laurina Bl dan kerabat dekatnya yang terdiri dari M. aplanata Kosterm., M. rubropetala Kosterm., M. lalijiwa Kosterm., dan ...
    • Progency analysis of the tasikmalayan mangosteens (Garcinia mangostana) with e-RAPD markers 

      Sinaga, Soaloon | Sobir | Poerwanto, Roedhy | Aswidinnoor, Hajrial | Solihin, Dedy Duryadi (2007)
      Apomixis is an asexual mode of plant reproduction through seeds without fertilitation. A common feture of all apomics is the autonomous development of embryos and the generation of progenies that are the exact genetic ...